EA closing servers for two Army of Two games later this year

By Sean Carey,

EA has announced that online services for Army of Two: The 40th Day and Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel will be shut down later this year.

EA's Online Service Updates page was recently updated to include both games. Servers for Xbox 360 titles Army of Two: The 40th Day and Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel will close on October 20th, 2022.

Army of Two server shutdowns set for October

Army of TWO server shutdown

In terms of achievements for both games, it looks like none of The Devil's Cartel's achievements will be discontinued, so you're safe there. You will likely no longer be able to play online co-op with a pal, though, so achievements such as 'Look mom, I made it!' will probably be harder to unlock once the server closure hits, and you can no longer play with a co-op buddy and have to use the AI instead (though some say they prefer using the AI).

Army of Two: The 40th Day is a different story. There are 11 online achievements that will be discontinued when the servers close in October. One of these, DIY PMC, is already partly discontinued/unobtainable.

If you need any multiplayer achievements from either game, It's probably worth setting up boosting sessions for both The Devil's Cartel and The 40th Day and working your way through the online achievements with others from TA.

Both games (and the DLC for 40th Day) have been delisted from the Xbox Store, and they are not backwards compatible, so if you're going for a completion, you're going to need a physical copy and an Xbox 360.

Servers for Army of Two: the 40th Day and Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel will close on October 20th, 2022. Will you be going back to these Xbox 360 titles? Let us know down in the comments.

Thanks to lor for the heads-up!
Sean Carey
Written by Sean Carey
With a deep love for Xbox and achievements, Sean has committed to playing the best RPGs, racing games, and first-person shooters Xbox Game Pass and his precious free time will allow. Prior to joining TrueAchievements, Sean gained a degree in journalism from Solent University.
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