Site feature: Achievement lists, walkthroughs, and competitions posted to the TA Discord

By Rich Stone,
We launched the official TrueAchievements Discord server back in January and we already have well over 3.5k members, and it has recently been awarded Community Server status by Discord.

We've been adding functionality to the server since it launched, and today we are announcing three new bots for the server:

New achievement list bot

When new achievements lists are found, the Achievement List bot will post to the #new-achievements channel:

New published walkthrough bot

When a new walkthrough is published, you'll get a link to it posted in the #walkthroughs channel by the Walkthrough bot:

Competition winner and new competition bot

Finally, the Competition bot will announce the previous winner and the latest game giveaway every day in the #contests channel:

You can join thousands of other achievement hunters by using the link below:

TrueAchievements Discord ServerClick here to join
Rich Stone
Written by Rich Stone
Yo! Rich here - I was the one that created TrueAchievements back in 2008 as I felt the Xbox Gamerscore system could be improved. The site has evolved massively since then and it's now the biggest and best Xbox community on the planet! Racing games and open world shooters are my thing, but I'll give most genres a go. Except RPGs - those things are evil.
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