Akinofa Reviews

  • rhmdyrhmdy936,684
    01 Aug 2023
    0 0 0 New
    Akinofa is a shoot em up published and developed by Pixel Lantern. The premise of the game is very simple which is to get as much score as possible whilst the levels gain an increase in difficulty both with more enemies and stronger enemy types. However, most gamers will most likely never see this far into the game as the completion is very quick and doesn’t take much skill. A few thousand gamerscore can be obtained in as little as 25 minutes therefore removing the need to play any further into the game. Much like other shoot em ups in this department, Akinofa is most likely purchased for quick and easy gamerscore that achievement hunters either love or hate. With the game coming on sale fairly regularly, this will make the game a lot more appealing as it’s unlikely many players are buying it for the experience that a shoot em up can bring, but rather for the rewards the game can generate quickly.
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