Gaijin Charenji 1 : Kiss or Kill Reviews

  • State of FlowState of Flow854,960
    28 Sep 2019
    26 1 1
    Can games be art?
    Self-flagellating gamers have been debating this for decades. Begging the approval of stuffy art and film critics has left them dejected and torn. With their advances repeatedly and thoroughly rebuffed by the professionals, the unwashed mass of gamers has been forced to retreat to the shadowy corners of the internet to debate amongst themselves. In their dusty forums, surrounded by all manor of vagabonds, autists, trolls and the ever present faint smell of urine... they have yet to reach a solid consensus.

    Videogames require craftsmanship sure, but do they belong in a gallery?

    Can a videogame elicit deep thought and/or emotion through gameplay, without resorting to soap opera level melodramatics?

    Can we compare a videogame to a great painting?

    To be honest I don't have all the answers. In fact I don't even have one of those answers... my guess would be maybe. Games like RiME that purport to be an emotional story tend to make me sleepy and cranky when I try to play them. So generally I would say I'm not a great test subject for these experiments in narrative. I do however play a lot of shoot-em-ups. Now as much as I appreciate Dodonpachi or DeathSmiles aesthetically, I would have a hard time trying to convince anyone of their status as "art" (although I'm sure I would try if the FBI asked me how old the girls were in DeathSmiles obviously).

    "So what is the point idiot?" I can hear you asking. "And what is this I clicked on accidentally?" OK OK OK.... I'll get to the point. Stay with me.

    Are games art?
    I present for your consideration... Gaijin Charenji 1 : Kiss or Kill (from here on shortened to GCKK)

    Self described as "A Punk Narrative Shoot-Them-Up" GCKK is a twin stick shooter which explores the relationships between the player and the game designer, and the player and the game itself. Are our in game actions benevolent or genocidal? Is Lara Croft supposed to be an archeologist in cutscenes and a psychopathic mass murderer during gameplay? Do the designers give you a choice in this dichotomy? Well no... and all the feedback and progression is tied to slaughtering your enemies because simulating war is a proven formula for success. What if you had a choice? Sure some games let you avoid encounters, GCKK takes this to the next extreme.

    What if the real enemy was the game designer? Finding ways to put the player in danger, goading you on to conflict? The story of GCKK is not one of many words, interspersed between worlds are FMV clips of the masked game designer in various stages of bloodlust for the player, supplemented by quick flashes of hateful dialog during gameplay. Where things get strange is in how you, the player factor into the story through gameplay.

    GCKK features a simple mechanic. You have two shot types that you can switch between with the press of a button. First is "kiss" which is an extremely ineffective short range attack, that after training on an enemy for a short time will cause them to fall in love and become peaceful... and also obviously you have a "kill" shot type which is far more effective, and basically turns you into a death machine.

    Using one or the other will move the Karma gauge at the bottom of the screen, in essense the more you use on shot type the more you effect your karma, which powers up your matching shot type. Filling the gauge also has another effect. If your karma is positive and loving, soon the sides of your screen fill with lewd images of anime girls in various stages of undress. When in the negative you will be bombarded by horrible images of war death and genocide. Thus no matter the choice, creating for yourself an uncomfortable mirror into your actions, and contrasting wildly with the fun simple gameplay.

    It is strikingly bizzare, experimental, unique, memorable and stands in the company of giants. The little game that could. One of my favorite experiences in the medium this year, and in quite a long while.

    Will it offend sensibilities? Perhaps.
    Does it deserve your time? Definitely.

    Is it art?

    As close as I can tell, yes.
    Showing only comment.
    EverStoned77Very well written clap
    Posted by EverStoned77 On 01 Feb 22 at 04:22
  • FloriDUH JBotFloriDUH JBot566,788
    17 Sep 2020 17 Sep 2020
    8 1 0
    This is a truly unique gaming experience with a catchy soundtrack and throwback style. If you are looking for something different, something that you can pick up and play at your leisure, this is the game for you. And for the completionist, you can largely enjoy the game without the need to consult a guide or walkthrough. A twin-stick shooter/SHMUP you should give a few hours to. A reasonable difficulty level allows you the opportunity to take in some of the game's detail and small touches as you go through the experience. Look for about 2-3 hours for 100%. Bonus points for a development backstory that really engages you on a deep, personal level.
  • Removed Gamer
    Gamer has been removed
    7 3 2
    Some games revel in their artistry, perfectly enveloped in an aesthetic that becomes inseparable from the gameplay itself; intrinsic, even, to its success. Limbo revitalised the indie 2D platformer and is beloved by many, including me, for its monochromatic misadventures of a boy both chasing and fleeing death. It has to be said however, that without the melancholic and, at the time, unique wrapper the platformer was packaged in, Limbo wouldn't have had anywhere near the impact it did.

    Other games, meanwhile, distill the very essence of their genre down to the most basic elements, letting nothing stand in the way of gameplay. N+ and Geometry Wars both did this sublimely. Of course, that itself creates an aesthetic: One of minimalism. The difference is that regardless of the way either of those games looked, they'd still be the same tight, responsive, perfect experiences they're known for being.

    Every once in a while something else comes along. Myst brought people into gaming with its obtuse story, opaque puzzles, and blank slate of a player character. In 1993, Myst looked, sounded and played amazing. It was also responsible for getting people playing games unlike anything else that had been released at that time: Kids played it. Mums played it. Grandads played it. It helped to popularise the Apple Macintosh. It ushered in a new medium: The CD-ROM.

    Games weren't just arcade machines any more. They were no longer the realm of bedroom hermits and Pacman enthusiasts.

    Myst also reinvigorated a conversation which cropped up from time to time in gaming circles, and gave it broader discourse:

    Can games be art?

    Art is a very personal thing. Art is created by the artist, designed at that precise moment in time to capture a feeling, an emotion - an observation, perhaps, or an otherwise fleeting memory the artist wishes to lock down whilst fresh. But, like everything sensorially experienced, it's objective creation is subjectively interpreted by the individual experiencing the art.

    Anything designed to elicit an emotion can be classed as art. A tiny black dot on a huge canvas. A messy bedroom scene. A photograph of Stalin meeting Churchill, meeting Hitler. A vertical slice of preserved bovine physiology.

    Art can never be objectively bad, because it will always mean different things to different people.

    But what happens when someone deliberately and cynically goes out of their way to create faux art? When random things are thrown together at random in an attempt to cover up a total lack of talent, vision, or ability to create?

    Gaijin Charenji 1 : Kiss or Kill has garnered some great reviews from people who consider it to be art. People who believe it to be a work of layered genius, a vehicle of protest subtly masquerading as a simple non-game; a messianic voice of anti-war that asks a straightforward but meaningful question: Why choose to kill, when you can choose to love?

    Loving is harder, sure. It's more difficult to reach out to those who oppose your vision. It's much more difficult to see it through to the very end, and almost impossible to employ successfully enough to bring down those who dictate hate.

    Killing is easier. It hits harder. It has greater immediate impact. It's the final word, and it cannot be unspoken, ever.

    In the hands of a talented developer, those themes could be brought to life in a work of unadulterated genius, through a game which makes you feel, makes you think; makes you talk about the themes and introduce issues to a wider audience.

    A lot of people seem to think that Gaijin Charenji 1 : Kiss or Kill IS that game. But it fails at delivering the message people are trying to attribute to it, and it fails hard.

    Not because the themes are too obtuse for me to understand.
    Not because the ability to switch between weapons called "Kiss" and "Kill" are metaphorically lost on me.
    Not because the random full motion video segments are littered with subtle gestures my thick skull will not allow to penetrate.

    It doesn't fail because I don't "get" it.
    It fails because... It's shit.

    Choosing between the "Kiss" gun - i.e. playing hard mode with a shorter range weapon that makes it more difficult to complete the game - and the "Kill" gun (long range easy mode) isn't a deep, ingenious moral choice. It's an aesthetic one which has minor gameplay connotations. You're simply choosing how far your gun will shoot when you twiddle around the right thumbstick.

    Sliding a blue blob up a white corridor on a pink background dodging orange squares doesn't carry a deep, hidden meaning about war being over simplified for mass media consumption. Do you know why it doesn't? Because I made that up, just now, for this review. I didn't even know that's what I was going to write. You want to believe it though, don't you, defender of the crown? You so want that to be true; but it isn't.

    Oh look! The "Kiss" weapon can't destroy the RPG villagers buildings! Shoot the villagers with it and they gather around a tree! It's all just so very clever, isn't it?

    Play the most simplistic twin-stick shooter ever made, spliced with videos of the developer plugging Gameboy cartridges into his abdomen whilst stills of war or anime fill the screen border.

    Collect blue dots and coins as you move around the screen to increase a timer through a handful of levels, which amount to little more than a screen of basic assets.

    Shoot pink dots at a pixelised face of Saddam Hussein until you're thrown back to the title screen with a picture of a hockey mask, "Dev" scrawled across its forehead.

    Art is subjective. Gameplay is not.

    People can read whatever they want into this game. They can read whatever they want into this review, such as it is. Most people won't want to feel like the odd one out. They won't want to feel like they're the one who doesn't "get" the game.

    You can tell by the number of downvotes this review will receive. I haven't even published it yet, such is the inevitability.

    But there's nothing here to get. This game is the emperor's new clothes. It says nothing. It does nothing. It's barely a game. It looks terrible, it sounds worse, it plays like crap, it's awfully put together and even at 83p I feel like I was ripped off. An assault on the senses.

    A turd so steamingly bad I wouldn't stamp on it if it was left burning in a brown paper bag on my doorstep, Kiss or Kill is simply an awful game.
  • a holy chainsawa holy chainsaw2,136,483
    04 Oct 2021 04 Oct 2021
    3 0 0
    Kill your enemies with love, bullets or both. The basic premise is very simple; you shoot, you advance, you kill some bosses. The main draw would be the twisted stuff shoved in between levels.

    From the developer putting on a hoodie and a creepy mask and recording cut scenes from his office to his kids bobbing their heads in unison; this is a very entertaining game if you feel like taking a break from the AAA shooters for a few hours.

    I was a bit weirded out by the concept, but once I learned of the history behind the game's creation, I saw the creativity and art that inspired the gameplay. There isn't a boring moment to be found, and the colorful and weird bits will work hard to gain your attention.
  • red tanukired tanuki5,048,594
    27 Sep 2019
    8 5 0
    If you love crazy game, achievements, pixel, super famicom, game boy, retro game power. play Gaijin Charenji 1 : kiss or kill. This Game is awesome!

    Debuted on another console in 1998 by Yoshihiro Takahashi, Kiss Or Kill was completed 21 years later by his son Yosuke Takahashi.

    one leader bord if you want to beat your friends and be the number 1

    And for a good action: This game talks about love and war, in this sense, the development studio is committed to donate 10% of the proceeds of the game for actions in favor of the reintegration of child soldiers in partnership with “SOS Enfants” (
  • Willow MeowWillow Meow1,213,544
    23 May 2022
    2 0 0
    An interesting game and rather unique compared to other 2D games you might find anywhere else. I picked this up for a quick completion about a year ago and was put off at first after a pop up came up on the main menu stating that my save data was to be deleted and the game proceeded to do just that. I decided to give it another go with my mind constantly on edge about that happening again, but considering the game is quite short, it isn't actually that big of a deal. I'm guessing it is the devs idea of a cruel prank on the players.

    Like I mentioned, the game is quite unique, mainly in the visuals. The screen looks like it is glitching out most of the time and you get a bunch of creepy cutscenes of the dev wearing a mask looking at the screen like he is trying to mess with you. I think my younger self would have been creeped out with the breaking of the fourth wall, which I assume is the intention. The game also changes the artwork as you progress through the story, as it starts out abstract and then has a bunch of different styles in different levels, like playing as a pixelart person and then as a spaceship. I quite liked the change in scenery as I played through and although the visuals changed, the gameplay remained the same.

    The game also has a few (not sure how many as I only played through twice) hidden easter eggs and levels which means it could be worth playing a few more times. It kind of feels like the dev has also put a few hidden messages in the game, I'm not sure if they are simply related to the story or if it goes deeper than that, but I found that quite interesting as it lingers in my mind from time to time.

    Overall, it is definitely worth trying out if you want to play something less typical or if you want a relatively easy achievement completion.
  • BeerNymphBeerNymph1,908,382
    10 Sep 2021 10 Sep 2021
    4 2 0
    I’ve played a lot of what you call “baby” games, platformers and arcades, but maaaaan, this game is something else!!!!
    The feeling of weirdness never left me, up to the very last level! In a good way :) Like when you see writings on the walls in Portland, Oregon - “Keep Portland weird”, this game is so amazing and thrilling and you never know what to expect next! And it’s so cool!
    Usually I don’t like to do multiple playthroughs for the achievements, but this one is a big exception! I enjoyed every minute of playing this game. So unreal!!!!
    A very unique graphics and cut scenes, kind of psychedelic!
    I would definitely recommend this game to my friends who are over 18+ :)
    Once you understand what you’re supposed to do in the game (which you have to guess and it adds some spice), it’s relatively easy, but at the same time there are challenging moments as well!
    We need more games like this, please! Keep it weird 👌🏻💯🔥
  • Sherlocked4evrSherlocked4evr710,233
    10 May 2023
    1 0 0
    ^-^ It is quirky and if you like quirky games this is up there with a mix of nostalgia and live action footage. There is some fake outs and "glitches" that keeps the player on their toes. It is a shooter with your choice of love or bullets or the combination of both. You can gain combos making your weapon strength stronger getting you cool little animations. Not super long but it doesn't need to be. You will find yourself playing it over and over again. It was made in honor of his father who made this game in the 80's. I think it is a really nice way to remember a fellow developer and keep his legacy going.
  • OxorTvOxorTv477,740
    10 Jan 2023
    1 0 0
    Sorry for my broken English, I'll try to make it short. Gaijin Charenji 1 is a completely WTF game, but in a good way.
    He did not leave me indifferent. A lot of tribute in the game, a lot of humor, a varied and fun gameplay.
    I recommend both for the experience and for the easy 1000G.
    Be careful though, because the game has a lot of bright flash or blurry screen, which matches the WTF side of the game. The Kiss or Kill character build-up is also good.
    I hope I have helped you to make up your mind on this little game, which includes a lot of gameplay elements from different 16-bit games.
  • PonïïckaPonïïcka143,820
    22 Oct 2022 13 Mar 2023
    1 0 0
    Unorthodox is exactly the word to describe to this game, but in addition to that, it's energizing and exciting. If you're like me, you won't know what's going on at first, but once you pick up on the basic concept of kissing or killing your enemies, you're going to have a blast.

    The best aspect of this game for me was that it had the perfect balance of both being retro and a bit peculiar. If you like games that can be artistically bizarre and funny, this is a game for you. The music is amazing, the controls are not hard to learn, and it's a game that's well worth your time.
  • AgnusPrimeAgnusPrime1,489,321
    23 May 2022
    1 0 0
    Surely this is a different game, at first you could feel a little strange about it, even a little confuse, but keep going, if you give a chance, you as I did, will have fun and enjoy it. His art is unique and the soundtracks are good, fix with the game, are not annoying as we find in other games of that genere, the love song is cute and the death bullet has that type of atmosphere of frenetic situations. This is a game that really let a mark on my memory, how I said before, just unique. Its not a very hard game or too long and usually has a nice price. So... give it a shot.
  • StattoSiStattoSi1,283,326
    22 Dec 2021 22 Dec 2021
    1 0 0
    After reading so many great and detailed reviews above, it’s hard to add anything truly new. Gaijin Charenji 1: Kiss or kill is a great game with a very unique playing style where choosing to 'Kiss or Kill' shows the emotion involved in both good and bad ways.

    This is clearer in the clips of the dev shaping in the story of the game's creation which is an amazing learning experience. The replay-ability comes from trying to be super nice and then alternatively super bad while the satirical references featured rival the best TV satire that is out there.

    Highly recommended for the price and a completion well worth the time needed.
  • BetinCamargoBetinCamargo599,946
    25 Nov 2021 25 Nov 2021
    1 0 0
    Review (Pt-Br) portuguese/Brazil

    Gaijin charenji é um jogo muito "diferenciado" digamos, no começo fiquei um pouco desconfortável mas confesso que quando aprendi a jogar eu gostei muito do jogo e seu estilo.

    Sem contar o desafio em cada fase mesmo zerando o jogo ainda tinha coisas que eu não passava de primeira, o senso de humor do jogo é excelente também ex: pegando a rota pacífica acabei tomando um susto com as imagens de animes na tela laugh

    No começo o jogo parece estranho porém é super divertido e tem seu charme, por isso eu recomendo para quem está atrás de um jogo rápido e divertido.
  • ScruffyluffygusScruffyluffygus754,980
    25 Nov 2021
    1 0 0
    The most unique, surreal, insane, clever, referential video game I've ever played. Like a bad acid trip directed by David Lynch & Shinya Tsukamoto. Certainly not for everyone but absolute genius for those that can deal with the crazy!

    To say too much would be to ruin the experience, but if you need to know at least some of what you're getting in for, in terms of gameplay it's essentially a retro twin-stick shooter. Or at least it's presented as one. But again, this is much more about the experience of it than it is about its gameplay. It's an unsettling all-out assault on the senses, relishing in pulling the rug from under your feet just as you start having an idea of what's going on. Genius.
  • WR GamerscoreWR Gamerscore1,528,122 1,528,122 GamerScore
    27 Aug 2021 27 Aug 2021
    1 0 0
    Not sure there is much more to add than what the previous reviews have said, but this was such a unique game to play through. The story that is told throughout the game is an interesting one, bring players from one generation of gaming to the next, allowing different styles of game play in a single game.

    The bosses added a good laugh to the game, and helped break up the puzzle levels that sometimes took more thought than originally expected.

    For such a simple concept to a game, the difficulty made it feel like a great accomplishment every time a level was completed. While it offered a very odd and unique experience, it was also very fun game to work through.
  • ArsenalBinArsenalBin1,721,240
    07 Jul 2021
    1 0 0
    This is a totally unorthodox game. From the learning curve to the scary apparitions of the masked man, you'll experience a whirlwind of emotions.

    Gaijin Charenji 1 : Kiss or Kill is more of an experience than a traditional video game. If you are up for an hour spent questioning what you see before you, before having your mind melted by the mad antics on display, then absolutely pick it up. I fear many people won’t be willing to give it a chance however, and that’s a shame, as it is a unique experience that will stay with you for some time.

    If I had to put all in one word, I would say: CREATIVITY
  • MonsterGrimgoreMonsterGrimgore2,264,143
    26 Dec 2020
    2 1 0
    I can just agree with all the pre-written rewiews about Gaijin Charenji 1: Kiss or Kill. But to keep things short here is a small additional summary.
    It's a fun game if you're into old school gaming. Lots of people will think it's crap, (including my wife) but the retro looks, the super Famicom parody and self made video scenes tell a story on their own. (Especially the dictator boss fight) This game is not challenging at all, got easy Achievements and the Devs support reintegration of child soldiers, so give it a shot for the good cause. Especially for such a small price.
  • kri6kri6908,359
    19 Jul 2023
    0 0 0
    think about the greatest experiences you've ever had while playing a video game. think about all the greatest moments, the beautiful stories, the vivid colors, the raw storytelling, the action-packed explosion-ridden fighting scenes, the electric gunplay, anything. then i want you to completely forget about all that other garbage you played because this right here? this is without a doubt the greatest game of all time. its so good i can't even describe it to you. its so good that i don't even think it should be considered a videogame. this should instead be in a museum with the likes of Picasso and Van Gogh, so that people can just look and really appreciate the beauty of what this title offers. wow. im just......... moved.
  • Viridisx13Viridisx131,362,019
    30 Dec 2020
    1 1 0
    Although my peers have already left some excellent, and eloquent, reviews, I would still like to add my own brief 2p’s worth.

    Whilst I mostly found this game to be what can only be described as bonkers, with it’s generous nods to gaming history and the tendency to not take itself very seriously (at least in my opinion) I also found it charming, thoroughly enjoyable and well worth putting a couple of hours in to.

    As in most things however, this game will not be for everyone, but I would be remiss if I didn’t encourage others to at least give it a shot.
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