The Gamer Menu

By Rich Stone,
The feature you will probably use more than any on TrueAchievements is your personalized Gamer Menu.

The menu is available as soon as you've logged into the site, and is shown by clicking your Gamer Pic in the top menu bar:

This will open your Gamer Menu on the home tab.

The Home Tab

The home tab displays your current TrueAchievement score and Gamerscore next to a link to your TrueAchievements homepage. You can click the refresh icon to update your score from Xbox Live - stay on the homepage to see your score update.

Home tab of the Gamer MenuHome tab of the Gamer Menu

You can also see your three most recently played games, your three next achievements, and your three most recent achievements won. Your next achievements are based on your achievement progress in your most recent games if they supports progress tracking, or TA Ratio if they do not. Progress is shown by the length of the green bar in the background of the achievement name.

If any of the three recently won achievements do not currently have a guide, you will be shown a link to add one - this helps the rest of the TrueAchievements community and also increments the progress on your Solutions badge!

The Social Tab

The Social tab contains your current TrueAchievement status and a list of your most recently online friends:

The Social tab of  Gamer MenuThe Social tab of Gamer Menu

You can click the pencil icon to update your status, which will post to your friend feed and update on your homepage.

You can also import your friends from Xbox Live by clicking the green button.

The Messages Tab

The Messages tab contains a list of your most recent private messages. You'll also see a red indicator for any unread messages on your Gamer pic in the top menu header, and on the Messages tab icon in the Gamer Menu.

The Messages tab of the Gamer MenuThe Messages tab of the Gamer Menu

The Notifications Tab

The Notifications tab displays your personal notifications for various events that have happened on the site. This includes things like new Site News stories, if you have been quoted in a forum post, or if a Walkthrough you've written has received a Thumbs Up.

The Notifications tab of the Gamer MenuThe Notifications tab of the Gamer Menu

You can click the notification to go through to the item (this will make it as read) or mark all of the items as read from the button.

You'll also see a blue indicator for any unread notifications on your Gamer pic in the top menu header, and on the Notifications tab icon in the Gamer Menu.

The Settings Tab

The Settings tab contains some of the most frequently changed settings on the site, such as the Dark Theme, and links to get through to the rest of the settings pages.

The Settings tab of the Gamer MenuThe Settings tab of the Gamer Menu

You can also force the site to a desktop width from this tab (Use Desktop mode).

The Links Tab

The Links tab of the Gamer Menu contains a list of all the personalised links you have on the site, as well as useful links to help and support pages.

The Links tab of the Gamer MenuThe Links tab of the Gamer Menu

Logging Out

You can log out of the site by clicking the padlock icon in the bottom of the Gamer Menu.
Rich Stone
Written by Rich Stone
Yo! Rich here - I was the one that created TrueAchievements back in 2008 as I felt the Xbox Gamerscore system could be improved. The site has evolved massively since then and it's now the biggest and best Xbox community on the planet! Racing games and open world shooters are my thing, but I'll give most genres a go. Except RPGs - those things are evil.
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