Track Your Achievement Win Streaks With TrueAchievements

By Dave Horobin,
Maintaining a long-running achievement win streak of hundreds or even thousands of days takes some serious dedication, so it's no surprise to us that they are the subject of many of the questions that we receive both on site and on our social channels. This article will explain how streaks work, how to keep track of them, why they break, and help you avoid the sinking feeling that your streak has come to a premature end.

Track Your Achievement Streaks With TrueAchievements

What Are Achievement Win Streaks?

Achievement win streaks were added to the site in October 2013, giving TA members the tools to track how many consecutive days they have unlocked at least one online achievement and see how they stack up against other members of the community.

How Achievement Streaks Work

The online bit of the sentence above is the key part of how we build and track achievement win streaks. Each time you unlock an achievement whilst connected to Xbox Live, it will receive a timestamp that tells us the date and the exact time in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) that the achievement was unlocked. To save you from having to work out converting timezones and worrying about daylight savings, we then take that UTC timestamp and convert it into your local date and time based on the streak timezone settings you specify in the Regional Settings section of the Site Setting page.

Once the timestamp has been converted, we then add it to your ongoing streak, or begin a new one if you haven't unlocked an achievement during the previous day. Your streak continues whenever you unlock at least one online achievement on consecutive days.

Why Did My Achievement Win Streak Break?

There are three main reasons why an achievement win streak can break:
  • Offline Achievements: Only online achievements with a valid timestamp are counted towards streaks.
  • Incorrect Streak Timezone: Your streak timezone is set by default to PST (Pacific Time Zone). You can set the timezone to your region by visiting the My Settings page found in the My Account section of the Gamer Menu.
Track Your Achievement Streaks With TrueAchievements

  • Achievements Out of Sync: Occasionally, your achievements can be scanned on the following day, out of order or they may have been stuck and showing as "Done! Unlocking..." on the Xbox One. Once the achievements are scanned in, you can fix the streak by using the Rebuild my streaks button located on the right-hand side of your streak page. To access the page, use the My Achievement Streaks link found in the Statistics section of the Gamer Menu.
Track Your Achievement Streaks With TrueAchievements

Unfortunately, in the case of an offline achievement breaking your streak, there is no way for it to be fixed, even if it is through no fault of your own when your internet connection dropped briefly or Xbox Live was down.
If you're unsure why your streak has broken, you can post in the Why has my achievement streak broken? - Find out here thread of the Bug Report forum.

How to Track Your Achievement Win Streak Progress

As you'd expect, we like to give you as many stats and details about your streaks as possible, so there are a number of different places you can keep track of your achievement win streaks.

Win Streaks Side Panel

Probably the quickest and most convenient place to see info on your current or previous steaks will be the Win Streaks panel that is located on the right-hand side of your homepage, which contains details of your five longest streaks. If your current streak is in your top five, it will be highlighted in green. If it's not, your current or last streak will be shown below.

Track Your Achievement Streaks With TrueAchievements

If the panel isn't showing on your homepage, go to Customize My Homepage, found in the My Account section of the Gamer Menu, and make sure that the Win Streaks panel isn't hidden.
Clicking the link to any of the streaks in the list will take you through to a page that includes details on the achievements unlocked during the streak.

My Achievement Streaks Page

Here you can see details of any of your previous streaks that lasted for five or more days. To access the page, use the My Achievement Streaks link found in the Statistics section of the Gamer Menu, or by clicking the icon on the win streaks panel.

Track Your Achievement Streaks With TrueAchievements

Clicking the link to any of the streaks in the list will take you through to a page that includes details on the achievements unlocked during the streak.

On the right-hand side of the page, you will also find a leaderboard of your friends' longest streaks and the site's top 50 streaks, with an indication if the streak is ongoing or ended.

Streak Leaderboards

The achievement win streak leaderboard can be found by clicking the Site Leaderboards link in the Leaderboards section of the Main Menu, or by clicking the icon in the leaderboard panels of your achievement streaks page.

Here you'll be able to see the site's top 100 streaks, with buttons at the top to find your position or filter the leaderboard down to your friends only.

Track Your Achievement Streaks With TrueAchievements

Showing Off Your Current Streak

Over the course of your streak, friend feed items will automatically be posted on your timeline to highlight key milestones about the number of days for which the streak has been maintained and the number of achievements won.

Track Your Achievement Streaks With TrueAchievements

Setting Achievement Win Streak Goals

You can set a personal target goal for the number of days an achievement win streak lasts.

For more information about creating and tracking goals, you can check out our previous site help story here: Create and Track Your Xbox Gamer Goals with TrueAchievements - Here's How.

If you have a suggestion for any site features that you'd like us to cover in our new weekly site help stories, please let us know by posting in the comments below.
Dave Horobin
Written by Dave Horobin
Dave is the TrueAchievements Social Manager and has been a Newshound since 2010. When he's not chasing developers and publishers for early review copies, he can usually be found on the TrueAchievements social pages discussing all things TA related.
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