Introducing Targets — your monthly community gaming challenges

By Rich Stone,
Yesterday, we announced that we would be launching a new site feature every day in March to celebrate us reaching 750,000 registered users.

Today we bring you the first of those features — Targets.

What are Targets?

Every month, we'll launch a new set of Targets. Each Target is a gaming-related challenge that needs to be completed during the month, and has three tiers of completion to aim for.

The easiest way to explain the concept is to look at the set of Targets for March:

March Target 1 — RPG Gamerscore Target

Target 1 is for Gamerscore earned in RPGs.

Here is a full list of Xbox RPGs that count towards this target.

The Target tiers are:
  • Bronze — 200 Gamerscore
  • Silver — 400 Gamerscore
  • Gold — 600 Gamerscore
These are relatively low values as we know how grindy some RPGs can be — if you manage to get Gold only using Elden Ring achievements then you are a better gamer than I!

March Target 2 — Achievement Days Target

Target 2 is for unlocking at least one achievement on different days in the month. You can earn as many achievements in a single day as you like, but it will only count for one day. Achievement win days do not need to be consecutive to count.

The Target tiers are:
  • Bronze — 10 Days
  • Silver — 15 Days
  • Gold — 20 Days

March Target 3 — Completed Games

Target 3 is for completing games (excluding any DLC). You can have started the games before the start of the month, as long as the final achievement in the game is unlocked during the month.

The Target tiers are:
  • Bronze — 1 Completion
  • Silver — 2 Completions
  • Gold — 3 Completions

This sounds awesome, how I do I play?

Simply go to the Target you want to participate in and click the Join Target button. Achievements will start counting from the time you join the Target until the end of the month.

Target time periods are mapped to your Timezone, so please make sure that is set up correctly in your Regional Settings.

When you've joined some challenges, they will appear on your homepage under your Friend Feed, showing your current progress and the amount needed to hit the next Tier:
TargetsActive Targets on your homepage

If you click on the Target itself, you'll also see how all your friends are getting on in that particular Target.

You can leave a Target after you join it, but you'll lose any progress made towards that Target, and if you rejoin, you'll need to start again with your scoring.

Completed Target medals will appear on your homepage in a new Target medals panel.

Hang on a minute, I've got a Peloton and this looks quite familiar...

If you follow me on Twitter, you'll know I'm a huge Peloton fan. I love their challenge system, and I thought it would be very cool to adapt it for TrueAchievements.

And we think that with your ideas for new Targets, we can make it even better! Let's hear what you have to say, either down in the comments or over on Discord!
Rich Stone
Written by Rich Stone
Yo! Rich here - I was the one that created TrueAchievements back in 2008 as I felt the Xbox Gamerscore system could be improved. The site has evolved massively since then and it's now the biggest and best Xbox community on the planet! Racing games and open world shooters are my thing, but I'll give most genres a go. Except RPGs - those things are evil.
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