Introducing Weekly Leaderboards for Gamerscore, TrueAchievement score, and TAD

By Rich Stone,
We love leaderboards here at TrueAchievements. Our Xbox leaderboards are incredibly powerful, allowing you to filter on any platform and combination of game genres.

But let's be honest, climbing to the top of those leaderboards is going to be impossible for 99% of Xbox gamers, even with all those easy Gamerscore games that are available these days.

So today, we are introducing Weekly Leaderboards.

What are the TrueAchievements Weekly Leaderboards?

We have created three new leaderboards that are based on different scoring:
For those that don't know, TrueAchievement Difference (TAD) is calculated by subtracting the Gamerscore from the TrueAchievement score of an achievement. This scoring method virtually eliminates spam games completely.

When do the leaderboards start and end?

The leaderboards are finalised and a new set restarted at 10am UTC every Monday — this time was chosen as it allows everyone in the world a chance to have a full weekend of gaming before the end of the period, and it means the development team will be in the office to check everything has worked correctly as the new period begins.

That means this week's leaderboards have just started!
New weekly leaderboardsNew weekly leaderboards

How do I appear on the leaderboards?

Appearing on the leaderboards is automatic, as long as you are a registered on TrueAchievements and don't have any tracking penalties.

What achievements count towards the leaderboards?

For achievements to count, they must be both earned and scanned in during the current period. As the leaderboards are finalised the moment the period ends, achievements scanned in after the period will not count.

Where can I see my position?

We've added a setting that adds your current position in each of the three leaderboards to the leaderboards section on your homepage. This is turned on by default.

How does the TrueAchievement and TA Difference scoring work, given the decay?

The most important thing to know about this question is that only achievements earned and scanned in during the period count towards the leaderboard. That means, any TrueAchievement decay or uplift in achievements earned outside of the period is irrelevant to the weekly leaderboard scoring.

However, achievements earned during the period are subject to any decay/uplift throughout the period. That means the final TrueAchievement and TA Difference score for each achievement earned is taken at the very end of the period.

When do the leaderboards update?

The leaderboards are updated every two minutes. A final build will happen as soon as the period ends, at which point friend feed notifications will be posted for the top 100 gamers, and profile page medals will be given to the top 3 on each board.

Will you be keeping a historical record of previous weekly leaderboards?

Yes, every leaderboard will be archived and you'll be able to see your placing in every one.

We hope to see you tomorrow for the next site feature update of Community Month!
Rich Stone
Written by Rich Stone
Yo! Rich here - I was the one that created TrueAchievements back in 2008 as I felt the Xbox Gamerscore system could be improved. The site has evolved massively since then and it's now the biggest and best Xbox community on the planet! Racing games and open world shooters are my thing, but I'll give most genres a go. Except RPGs - those things are evil.
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